Bipolar disorder was once better known as manic-depressive disorder. It’s a mental health issue that features extreme shifts between manic and depressive emotional states. In most cases, bipolar disorder symptoms appear during the teen or young adult years. Bipolar disorder is also not as rare as most people think, as it affects more than 2.5% of the U.S. adult population or an estimated 5.7 million Americans.
Living with bipolar disorder can be very challenging. Mood changes may be swift, but each episode can linger for several days. While in a manic phase, someone may experience sharp concentration and supercharged energy and may feel inspired to conquer the world. Then, a depressive episode can begin and bring with it fatigue, sadness, and a feeling of being defeated. These intense mood swings can be very disruptive in daily life. Although there is no established cure for bipolar disorder, there are healthy coping methods and medications that can help teens manage symptoms and enjoy a productive life. Searching for a bipolar disorder treatment program in Redondo Beach or Manhattan Beach, CA? Reach out to Clear Recovery Center Teen Program today. You can call 866.522.2084 or contact our team online.
What Is a Bipolar Disorder Treatment Program?
Before considering a bipolar disorder treatment program, it’s first essential to have your teen assessed and then diagnosed. There are several types of bipolar disorder, and the customization of a treatment program for your teen requires a specific diagnosis, along with their medical history and likely interviews with close family members.
A treatment team for clients with bipolar disorder will often comprise a psychiatrist specializing in treating bipolar and related disorders, a psychiatric nurse, and a psychologist. Bipolar disorder treatment programs are directed at managing symptoms. They may include medications and continued psychological counseling — which can also be combined with bipolar disorder education and support group meetings — as well as treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders. If a client is displaying behaviors, emotions, and thought patterns that may be dangerous for themselves or the people around them, part of their treatment program could include hospitalization or residential treatment.
Medications are part of the reason psychiatrists are essential members of a bipolar disorder treatment team, as they can prescribe and monitor medication usage for clients. Several medications are used to treat bipolar disorder, including the following:
- Antidepressants
- Antidepressant-antipsychotics
- Antipsychotics
- Anti-anxiety medications
- Mood stabilizers
However, medications must be combined with psychotherapy to achieve the maximum effectiveness of a bipolar disorder treatment program.
What Are the Types of Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a difficult mental health condition to assess, diagnose, treat, and manage. However, by charting feelings, thoughts, trigger exposures, work and family issues, and health issues, it is possible to predict episodes better and go through them. Doing so under the guidance of a bipolar disorder treatment program allows someone to be proactive in working toward a better quality of life. As mentioned earlier, an effective bipolar disorder treatment program requires a specific diagnosis. There are several types of bipolar disorder:
- Bipolar I: Of all four types of bipolar disorder, this one is the most common. It involves one or more manic episodes, with or without depressive episodes occurring. The mania must be severe enough that hospitalization lasting a week or longer is required.
- Bipolar II: This disorder is characterized by the shifting between less severe hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes.
- Cyclothymic disorder: Also called cyclothymia, this disorder involves repeated mood shifts between depressive and hypomanic that persist for more than two years. These phases may not meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder episodes. There may also be periods of normal mood, although these often last less than eight weeks.
- Unspecified bipolar disorder: This disorder is diagnosed when a client’s symptoms don’t fit the other three types of bipolar disorder but still involve episodes of unusual manic moods.
When Should You Consider a Bipolar Disorder Treatment Program?
Teens struggling with bipolar disorder may not realize that their behaviors and moods are disrupting their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Their parents and guardians may also chalk up their symptoms to typical teen difficulties. Because of this, teens struggling with bipolar disorder often don’t get the medical attention and treatment they require.
This is especially true during euphoric manic periods, as teens struggling with bipolar disorder are more likely to be affected by symptoms and seek help when they experience a depressive episode. However, a parent or guardian may incorrectly think their teen is depressed. A doctor may even incorrectly diagnose a teen with depression instead of a type of bipolar disorder. Parents and guardians must be careful when observing noteworthy changes in their teen’s behaviors and moods and must be active participants in the assessment and diagnosing process of their teens. Then, they may consider a bipolar disorder treatment program.
However, sometimes a teen struggling with bipolar disorder may need emergency medical attention. Take your teen to the nearest emergency room or cal 911 if they are:
- A danger to themselves or others
- Having suicidal thoughts
- Having thoughts of self-harm
Ready To Learn More About Clear Recovery Teen Program’s Bipolar Disorder Program?
If you’re looking for a bipolar disorder treatment program in Redondo Beach or Manhattan Beach, CA, contact Clear Recovery Center Teen Program today. You can call 866.522.2084 or reach out to our team online.